Podcast planner

When it comes to podcasting, content is king! Use this template to plan topics and guests – and nail your production schedule!

This project template shows how easy it is to create a shortlist of episode ideas, and then move them through your production and release processes as required.

Each potential topic or guest is shown as a task. When you decide you want to move forward with one of these ideas, you can move it to ‘Planning.’ When the plan’s written, and the episode’s ready to record, you can change the status again to ‘Ready to Record’, while specifying a date for the episode to be recorded.

Recorded episodes can then be moved forward to ‘Needs Editing,’ and – when this is done – ‘Ready to Release.’ Again, you can specify dates for these things to happen, keeping you right on top of your release schedule.

Completed episodes can be marked as ‘Live,’ while, if any of them don’t make the cut, they can be set to ‘Closed.’

Tasks Kanban view example

Tasks List view example

Podcast Planner Template

- Free -

Click the button above to copy this template to your own Project.co account. Once you’ve done this you can edit the template and create projects using it.

What’s included

Project description
Tasks x 24
Custom task statuses x 1