Communication Statistics 2024
Section 1: How do businesses communicate?
We wanted to find out which communication tools are used by businesses – when working internally, and with clients.
With clients…
Email remains the most widely used tool for client communication, although it’s experienced a fall from last year’s figure. Whereas 62% of people primarily used email last year, this has now fallen to 55%.
With co-workers…
Email is the most widely used way people choose to communicate with their colleagues in 2024.
24% use a project management tool, up significantly from 15% 12 months ago.
7% primarily communicate by phone (unchanged from last year) while the number of people who primarily communicate face-to-face has fallen from 7% to 3%.
10% responded that they use a tool outside this list – with a variety of tools including Notion, WhatsApp, Google Meet and Zoom being mentioned.
Section 2: Remote work
The pandemic changed the world of work, perhaps forever. We wanted to understand how, and where, our respondents do their work.
Section 3: An increasing challenge?
In this section we looked to find out how things are changing – and the steps businesses are taking to meet the challenge.
Section 4: Time wasted in meetings
We wanted to find out how many people felt they wasted time in meetings.
Section 5: The cost of poor communication
Where communication IS poor – we wanted to understand the ways in which this is felt within businesses.
Section 6: How companies rate their performance
In this section, we wanted to find out how employees and managers rank the businesses they work for in terms of three key qualities: efficiency, communication and organisation.
Just 6% of businesses rate their efficiency as ‘excellent.’
When it comes to communication, over a third of businesses rate their performance as either ‘excellent’ (9%) or ‘above average (29%).
When asked to evaluate how organised they are, the data follows a familiar pattern.
A healthy majority describe their organisation levels as ‘average,’ while…
Section 7: How customers feel
We looked to find out how communication manifests itself within the customer experience – and how customers feel about the businesses they deal with.
Section 8: The power of project management tools
We looked to understand the impact that the use of a project management tool can have within businesses.
The power of project management tools: Other data points
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